The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Since graduation - served two years in the Army; got married in July 1955; received Bachelor of Divinity degree from Columbia Bible College; worked for Soil Conservation Service for seven years - Baker Engineers for 13 years - State Department of Environmental Resources for 15 years. Working part-time for engineering firms since retirement in 1995. Received Professional Engineer license in 1968 followed by Professional Land Surveyor license. Received MBA degree from Penn State Capital College in 1981. Activity in the PA Society of Professional Engineers - served on committees and offices including President of the Harrisburg Chapter and the State. Appointed by the Governor of PA to serve on the DGS Selections Committee for several years including a term as Chairman. In 2004, inducted into the Order of the Engineer. In 2006,selected as Engineer of the Year for Central PA and the State. Awarded the grade of Fellow in the National Society of Professional Engineers. Activity in the American Society of Agricultural Engineers - served as member of Water Resource Structures Committee at the national level. Selected as Outstanding Alumnus for the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences in 2007 and inducted into the Armsby Honor Society in 2008. My wife of 54 years and I have four children, (two engineering degrees), nine grandchildren and one great grandchild.